3 Best Ways to Get Rid of Varicose Veins - Varicose veins sometimes cited to as varicosities or varicose, arise when your blood vessels become dilated, enlarged, and overfilled with blood. Usually, they appear raised and swollen and have red or bluish-purple color. Varicose veins are quite common nowadays, especially in women. According to a report, one out of every five adults has varicose veins. In most cases, they show up on the lower legs. In this post, we will come to know the causes of varicose veins, their symptoms, and the three best ways to get rid of them. So, without any further delay, let’s get started.
Varicose Veins arise when veins do not function properly. Our veins have one-way valves that stop blood from flowing backward. However, if for any reason these valves fail to work, blood starts accumulating in the veins instead of continuing toward the heart, resulting in enlarged veins. Though there is no evidence on the actual causes of varicose veins, some experts consider obesity, pregnancy, aging, family history, pregnancy culprit for varicose veins.
Pregnancy - Varicose veins strike women more often than men. It may be because female hormones relax veins. Women are much more likely to see varicose blood vessels during their pregnancy than at any other time in their lives. It happens because pregnant women have much more blood in their body that places extra pressure on the circulatory system.In addition to this, changes in hormone level can be another reason blood vessel walls are in relaxation mode.
These two are the primary factors that may increase the risk of having varicose veins. As the womb grows, it puts more pressure on the veins in the mother’s pelvic area. Though in the majority of cases, the varicose veins go away after the pregnancy is over, this is not always the case. In some cases, varicose veins may improve.
Genetics - If a close family member has varicose veins, your risk of developing this condition is high. Even a study reports that varicose might be caused by your gene you inherit from your parents.
Age - Age can be another factor your veins have started losing their elasticity, and the valves inside them have stopped working as well.
Obesity - Being overweight also puts extra pressure on veins, and therefore, they have to work hard to transmit the blood back to the heart. It puts extra strain on the valves and makes them more prone to leakage. The effect of overweight on the growth of varicose veins is more common in women.
Occupation - If you are into the job that requires a long period of standing or sitting may increase your chance of getting varicose veins. This is due to your blood doesn’t flow smoothly to the different parts of the body.
Pregnancy - Varicose veins strike women more often than men. It may be because female hormones relax veins. Women are much more likely to see varicose blood vessels during their pregnancy than at any other time in their lives. It happens because pregnant women have much more blood in their body that places extra pressure on the circulatory system.In addition to this, changes in hormone level can be another reason blood vessel walls are in relaxation mode.
These two are the primary factors that may increase the risk of having varicose veins. As the womb grows, it puts more pressure on the veins in the mother’s pelvic area. Though in the majority of cases, the varicose veins go away after the pregnancy is over, this is not always the case. In some cases, varicose veins may improve.
Genetics - If a close family member has varicose veins, your risk of developing this condition is high. Even a study reports that varicose might be caused by your gene you inherit from your parents.
Age - Age can be another factor your veins have started losing their elasticity, and the valves inside them have stopped working as well.
Obesity - Being overweight also puts extra pressure on veins, and therefore, they have to work hard to transmit the blood back to the heart. It puts extra strain on the valves and makes them more prone to leakage. The effect of overweight on the growth of varicose veins is more common in women.
Occupation - If you are into the job that requires a long period of standing or sitting may increase your chance of getting varicose veins. This is due to your blood doesn’t flow smoothly to the different parts of the body.
In most cases, there is no pain (until the condition is severe), but the signs of veins may include:
- Swollen, twisted, and bulging veins
- Discolored veins – usually blue and dark purple
- Some people may also experience:
- Aching legs
- Legs feel heavy at night
- Lipodermatosclerosis- fat under the skin above the ankle can become hardened, resulting in shrinkage in the skin
- Leg cramps when suddenly standing up.
When it comes to treatment for varicose veins, options range from conservative to minimally invasive. Conventional options include lifestyle changes, medications, and compression stocking whereas minimally invasive include sclerotherapy.
In most cases, varicose veins are always a symptom of an underlying venous insufficiency. If you visit your doctor to talk about treatment options, you will be suggested to make lifestyle modification first before going for surgery or other treatment options.
Since natural remedies pose little to no risk and are affordable than surgeries, you should try them first to get rid of varicose veins.
In most cases, varicose veins are always a symptom of an underlying venous insufficiency. If you visit your doctor to talk about treatment options, you will be suggested to make lifestyle modification first before going for surgery or other treatment options.
Since natural remedies pose little to no risk and are affordable than surgeries, you should try them first to get rid of varicose veins.
Laser treatment is one of the most effective and preferred ways to get rid of varicose veins. This treatment involves the use of a high beam of light that is directed on the affected veins. Laser heat destroys the vein and helps scar tissue to form. This scar tissue then supports to close the vein. When a closed vein does not have its blood source, it disappears automatically in a year or two.
There are usually two types of laser treatment:
Simple laser treatment is used to treat small varicose. It happens on the outside of the patient’s skin - usually requires multiple laser sessions. Sessions can be scheduled every 6 to 12 weeks, as prescribed by the surgeon.
On the contrary, endovenous laser treatment is used to treat the varicose veins that appear more substantial. In this procedure, a laser fiber is embedded into the vein via a thin catheter (tube). While operating the patient, the surgeon watches the vein on the ultrasound screen. In comparison to other treatments, laser treatment is less painful and has a shorter recovery period.
There are usually two types of laser treatment:
- Simple Laser Treatment
- Endovenous Laser Treatment
Simple laser treatment is used to treat small varicose. It happens on the outside of the patient’s skin - usually requires multiple laser sessions. Sessions can be scheduled every 6 to 12 weeks, as prescribed by the surgeon.
On the contrary, endovenous laser treatment is used to treat the varicose veins that appear more substantial. In this procedure, a laser fiber is embedded into the vein via a thin catheter (tube). While operating the patient, the surgeon watches the vein on the ultrasound screen. In comparison to other treatments, laser treatment is less painful and has a shorter recovery period.
Regular exercise is the best way to lower inflammation and enhance blow flow. According to a report of the National Heart, Blood and Lung Institute, poor postures such as legs crossed, forward head posture or standing for an extended period increase the risk of varicose veins.
If you stay motionless for too long, it becomes difficult for you veins to pump blood back to your heart and fight the effects of gravity.
Exercise is an excellent way to help balance hormones, lower blood pressure, lose weight, or maintain overall healthy body weight. These all contribute to varicose veins. So, if you’re noticing any sign of varicose veins, start doing some low-impact exercises such as bicycling, swimming, walking, etc.
If you stay motionless for too long, it becomes difficult for you veins to pump blood back to your heart and fight the effects of gravity.
Exercise is an excellent way to help balance hormones, lower blood pressure, lose weight, or maintain overall healthy body weight. These all contribute to varicose veins. So, if you’re noticing any sign of varicose veins, start doing some low-impact exercises such as bicycling, swimming, walking, etc.
Some foods help to reverse inflammation and improve blood flow. When you increase the intake of anti-inflammatory foods such as spinach, kale, and collards, salmon, tuna, sardines, blueberries, cherries, strawberries, and oranges, varicose veins heal faster and prevent future ones from forming.
Foods that are high in things like caffeine, trans fats, sugar, and alcohol can contribute to blood pressure problems, weight gain, low blood circulation, and hormonal imbalances. Most of these foods are high in sodium that contains toxins and can worsen swelling of varicose veins. Replace them with foods that are high in antioxidant as they prevent blood clots and are a natural blood thinner. These foods include green veggies, citrus fruits, lean meat, and berries.
These are a few ideal ways to get rid of varicose veins; if your condition is severe, see your doctor immediately. Based on your situation, your doctor may suggest a better treatment.
Foods that are high in things like caffeine, trans fats, sugar, and alcohol can contribute to blood pressure problems, weight gain, low blood circulation, and hormonal imbalances. Most of these foods are high in sodium that contains toxins and can worsen swelling of varicose veins. Replace them with foods that are high in antioxidant as they prevent blood clots and are a natural blood thinner. These foods include green veggies, citrus fruits, lean meat, and berries.
These are a few ideal ways to get rid of varicose veins; if your condition is severe, see your doctor immediately. Based on your situation, your doctor may suggest a better treatment.
At FSA Vein, we offer a free vein ultrasound and more information if you schedule an appointment with us. FSA Vein is one the leaders in varicose vein and spider vein treatments in the Inland Empire. With locations in Pomona & Rancho Cucamonga. Contact us today!