Before we dive into the different types of venous disease, it is probably best to understand the basic functions of veins in our body. Our veins function to carry de-oxygenated blood from our organs and tissues to the right-side of the heart, from which blood is shunted towards the lungs to be oxygenated. To help defy gravity and promote blood flow from the lower limbs, our veins have semi-lunar valves which prevent reflux (backflow) of blood. Most venous disease occurs because of two reasons – either a reflux (backward flow) of blood, or an obstruction of the vein itself.
Most of the patients we see and treat at FSA Vein have one of the following types of venous disease:
If you would like to find out more details about each specific disease above, please click on the hyperlinks to go directly to that page! Each patient we see at our clinic has different needs, and we have prepared educational material for you in order for you to better understand your condition.
Most of the patients we see and treat at FSA Vein have one of the following types of venous disease:
- Varicose Veins
- Chronic Venous Insufficiency
- Thrombophlebitis
- Deep Vein Thrombosis
- Venous Ulcers
If you would like to find out more details about each specific disease above, please click on the hyperlinks to go directly to that page! Each patient we see at our clinic has different needs, and we have prepared educational material for you in order for you to better understand your condition.
There are several risk factors for venous disease in general:
At FSA Vein, we believe that prevention is better than a cure. Even though we are extremely competent in treating venous disease, we also believe in performing a detailed risk assessment for all our patients in an endeavor to minimize recurrence and maximize patient satisfaction. After our stratified risk assessment, we provide you – the patient, lifestyle modification strategies and the appropriate resources to reduce your overall risk for venous disease.
- Obesity
- Smoking
- Hypertension (Elevated Blood Pressure)
- Diabetes Mellitus
- Cancer
- Serious leg injury
- Family history of venous thrombosis
- Family history of varicose veins
- Family history of venous ulcers
- Elevated Clotting Factors
At FSA Vein, we believe that prevention is better than a cure. Even though we are extremely competent in treating venous disease, we also believe in performing a detailed risk assessment for all our patients in an endeavor to minimize recurrence and maximize patient satisfaction. After our stratified risk assessment, we provide you – the patient, lifestyle modification strategies and the appropriate resources to reduce your overall risk for venous disease.
Generally speaking, all patients should avoid a prolonged standing time where possible. Obese patients should endeavor to lose weight through dietary modification, exercise, or a combination of both. Compression stockings can also prevent the progression of venous disease to complicated states, such as in the development of venous ulcers. However, we recommend that compression stockings be prescribed, as some of our patients have concomitant arterial disease in their lower limbs, which can be worsened by compression stockings. At FSA Vein, we strive to treat all our patients holistically instead of focusing on diseases in isolation. Even if our patients do not opt for invasive treatment, we still provide up-to-date and relevant lifestyle modification strategies and discuss non-invasive treatment strategies, such as medication.
Are you looking for vein treatment or a vein doctor near you? FSA Vein is at the forefront of varicose vein and spider vein treatments in Pomona and Rancho Cucamonga, CA. Click here to schedule your free vein consult.